
Christopher Lambert

💻 Software Engineer 💻

Contact Me

Hi! 👋 I'm Chris.

I'm a Junior Computer Science student at Columbia University interested in the intersection between Math, CS, and Finance.

I'm following the Foundations of Computer Science track at Columbia with a focus on algorithms, computational complexity, and other areas of theoretical computer science.

In my free time, I like to attend hackathons at different schools across the country, and I'm pretty much always working on a personal project of some sort...

Outside of programming, I like running (really slowly), speedcubing, and playing board games with friends.

Work Experience

Software Engineer

(September 2020 - Present)

Merchant Intelligence Team

Software Engineering Intern

(Summer 2020)

Internal Productivity Team

Software Engineering Intern

(Spring 2020)

Merchant Intelligence Team

Software Engineering Intern

(Fall 2019)

Vehicle Diagnostic Tools

Capital One
Software Engineering Intern

(Summer 2019)

Anti-Money Laundering Team

NCR Corporation
Software Engineering Intern

(Spring 2019)

Software Innovation Labs

Lending Club
Software Engineering Intern

(Summer 2018)

Infrastructure & Internal Tools Team

Software Engineering Intern

(Summer 2017)

Infotainment Automation Team